Identifying the set of events to be logged
Recently one of the talented engineers I work with submitted a pull request for review where he wanted to temporarily capture more...
Open Source Evangelist
Welcome to my blog where I will explore topics related to open source software development, Java, Java Logging and Apache Log4j2. I am the original author of Log4j 2 and spend a lot of time working on the project. I also contribute to Apache Flume and participate on the Apache Maven project.
Recently one of the talented engineers I work with submitted a pull request for review where he wanted to temporarily capture more...
As is well known, Log4j 1 combined its API with its implementation. It provided no help to users to determine which classes and methods...
Log4j 2.13.0 introduces experimental support for Log4j 1 configurations.
From time to time I have come across comments asking the very question posed above. Why another logging framework when SLF4J and Logback...